Is America Losing the Quantum Race with China?

You may not have realized it, but China has been outpacing America in the race to reach the next frontier of critical national security technology: quantum computing. America is finally taking notice. Find out where the U.S. stands in the Quantum Race and what it means to our nation’s security with Alissa Abdullah, PhD, Theresa Payton and Gordon Lawson in our latest Cybercrime podcast.

Podcast Episode 5 – Cybersecurity has made it to the Boardroom

In this podcast, Gordon Lawson discusses how Board members can prepare their organizations for the new cybersecurity SEC proposed ruling.

Podcast Episode 4 – Vulnerabilities are becoming more sophisticated in an ever changing landscape

In this podcast, Gordon Lawson discusses his unique capabilities in leading the organization, and the technology Conceal is bringing to market.

Conceal: A New Approach to Cybersecurity

CEO Gordon Lawson discusses how Conceal is pushing the boundaries of cybersecurity with our suite of products that incorporate proactive, not reactive, intelligence-grade, Zero Trust technology to protect global companies from cyber threats keeping your enterprise defended from end-user to the cloud.

Podcast Episode 3 – Zero Trust: It’s a thing, people!

In this podcast, Scott Greaux discusses zero trust – the impact it has on an organization, what framework security leaders and CISOs should be implementing and more.

Podcast Episode 2 – It All Starts with a Simple Phishing Attack

In this podcast, Gordon Lawson and John Karabias discuss phishing and why protecting our critical infrastructure is a top priority.

Observability: You can’t protect what you don’t know you have

Alissa Knight, Advisor to Conceal, Gordon Lawson, CEO @ Conceal and Steve Morgan host from Cybercrime Magazine dive into application security and discuss the challenges and highlights of how IT professionals can converge observability and security and close the gap in vulnerability management.

Podcast Episode 1 – The Dark Web: What You DON’T See

In this podcast discusses the Dark Web – what it is, how it’s getting darker and busier and how to protect yourself and your organization from risks.

Cybersecurity and the Geo-Political Landscape

Host Steve Morgan, Founder & Editor-in-Chief at Cybercrime Magazine is joined by Gordon Lawson, CEO @ Conceal and Christopher Miller, Former Acting Secretary of Defense where they talk about the growth of ransomware, the ineffectiveness of security controls and the collaboration between enterprise and government as we work together to defend against cybersecurity.