Introducing ConcealBrowse for Firefox Users!

As we continue to expand our solution here at Conceal to best fit our customer needs, we are pleased to announce that ConcealBrowse is now available for Firefox! In our pursuit to make the internet a safer place, we’ve extended our protective umbrella to one more browser – Firefox.

You might already be familiar with our powerful detection and prevention capabilities that function seamlessly with Chromium-based browsers like Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Brave. Now, all these robust features, powered by the advanced SherpaAI engine, are at the disposal of Firefox users, too!

How to Get ConcealBrowse on Firefox

Installing ConcealBrowse on Firefox is a breeze.  We have a simple three step process that can get your browser running securely in no time at all.  The installation process of our browser extension is seamless and requires little user interaction. 


Can I choose the browsers I want to support with ConcealBrowse?

Absolutely! You can tailor your installation to your needs. Instructions on how to do this are available here.


Can I deploy Firefox using an RMM or MDM solution?

Yes, our ConcealBrowse installation can be integrated into your RMM or MDM solution for a hassle-free deployment.


Is the extension available in the Firefox store?

No, the extension is signed by Firefox but we’ve opted to host it independently.


What about Mac users? Can they install Firefox?



Your Feedback Matters

We’re always striving to better our offerings. And who better to guide us than you? As we continue to work on extending our solution, let us know what else you would like to see!

Happy (and safe) browsing to all Firefox users!